Brieuc Dufour
Yleaphe, Epheima, Oquosse, Kure, Aecyham alias Brieuc Dufour, sensitive witness of affectionate gestures, lives and works in Brussels as image-maker mediator. A student of engraving and psychomotricity, he tries to bring together Art and Care.
His works are a 'Potpourri', a luscious fiction made of disorders and passions, a fermenting medley in which aromas flourish. He acts as the strata printer, psycho-motor animist, painter glitch-artist.
Everywhere is the mitosis sound, synesthesia and obnibulance. Brieuc tells us about his journey in our somathèque, our dense and layered body repertoire, our sensory-motor world, hot, fluid, humid, rough, sparkling.
Graces from Qualia
It is a sequence of works, a count of spells generated by my compulsive disorders, my bugs and ‘dys.functions ’. Its lucky charms plunge our skins into a deluge of liturgical, sexual and migratory impulses.”