“Back then, I was an insecure kid, people told me I was too sensitive and that I cried too much. The world seemed a bit too rough for me and so, to escape it, I took refuge in my own fantasy, my own creativity. Going home I immerged myself in animes, videogames and music. It all made me feel empowered, courageous, and strong, just like all those characters I admired so much. Today, I use this extreme sensitiveness , this melancholy I used to hate, as my superpower, my ace. I put it in everything I write and sing. CHAiLD is, to me, everything I wanted to embody as a kid.”
Picture by Steven Cruz
What inspires your work and what is your creative process?
“What inspires me the most are emotions and vulnerability. My whole creative process revolves around the exploration of my own sensitiveness, which I was condemned for as a kid. When I create, I want to feel something. The moment we manage to tap into that very specific place in which the walls we built over the years finally come down, true art can be found.”
Are there any recurring themes/issues you like to address within your work?
“I've always had a certain melancholy sticking to my skin, a constant nostalgia I could never get rid of, no matter how hard I tried. However, over the years, I've learned to embrace it and instead of fighting it, I am now using it as a fuel for my music.”
Picture 1 by Anuar Beny
Picture 2 by Steven Cruz

How did you get into music and performing, and how would you describe your sound and on-stage presence?
“I got into music first through the classical side of it. I started off by playing the piano really early (6-7 years old ), which led to songwriting around 13. Being a musician has always been a dream of mine. This dream became a goal during my teenage years, as I slowly realized that performing and working in the creative industry was what I wanted to do for a living. The rest has been and still is constant work and determination. I like to describe my sound and my on-stage presence as extreme and sensitive, fiery and honest.”
Did you have any queer role models? If so, who?
“My queer role models are people like Sam Smith, Troye Sivan, Christine and the Queens, Lady Gaga,... you name them. These are all people who dare to be themselves fully and truly, without concession. To be able to fully dive into your art and create something that is uniquely yours is a skill I really look up to.”
Are there upcoming events/appearances that you would like to bring attention to?
“I am currently preparing the release of my very first EP next year, to which I am so looking forward. Also, more live shows will follow. On another note, I released a music video for my single Italo daddy a month ago and a newer one called Once I'm Gone, which are all available on every streaming platform.”
On January 20th 2023 CHAiLD will be releasing a new song called ‘Hardcore’. Stay tuned!